Gut-Bone-Axis meeting

Project: Gut-Bone-Axis meeting



Gut-Bone-Axis meeting


Descrizione del Corso

Questo Corso è inserito nel programma ECM del Ministero della Salute come attività formativa n° 157-410428 per n°70 partecipanti tra Reumatologia, Medicina Interna, Allergologia ed Immunlogia clinica, Ortopedia e traumatologia, Gastroenterologia. Il Convegno ha ottenuto n°13 Crediti Formativi.

Il Corso si terrà i giorni 17-19 Aprile 2024 presso l’Hotel Santa Lucia, Napoli.

L’assegnazione dei crediti è subordinata alla partecipazione effettiva dell’intero programma formativo, alla verifica dell’apprendimento ed al rilevamento delle presenze. La frequenza sarà verificata in entrata ed uscita per tutta la durata dei Corsi.

È necessario compilare e restituire in Segreteria, alla fine dei lavori, i questionari di valutazionecompilare online. Ai fini dell’acquisizione dei crediti formativi ECM, è necessario compilare la scheda di registrazione in tutte le sue parti inserendo chiaramente nome, cognome, codice fiscale, indirizzo e disciplina. Al termine dei lavori è previsto, per coloro che ne fanno richiesta, un attestato di partecipazione.

Responsabile Scientifico: Francesco Ciccia, Mario Zaiss

As we continue to unravel the intricate connections within the human body, emerging research has shed light on the fascinating interplay between seemingly disparate systems. Among these connections, the relationship between the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and bone health has emerged as an interesting area of study: the gut-bone axis.

The gut-bone axis refers to the bidirectional communication and influence between the gut microbiota, its metabolites, and bone metabolism. Over the past decade, a growing body of evidence has highlighted the profound impact of gut health on bone physiology, challenging traditional siled perspectives on these physiological systems. This meeting aims to bring together experts and researchers in different fields to delve into multifaceted aspects of the gut-bone axis. Our primary objectives are the following:

  1. Understand the interaction:

Explore the intricate relationship between the composition of the gut microbiota, its metabolites and their influence on bone remodeling and density. Study the mechanisms and signaling pathways through which gut-derived factors influence bone health.

  1. Clinical implications:

Discuss clinical implications and potential therapeutic interventions for bone-related disorders resulting from dysbiosis or gut health disorders. Review current diagnostic tools and methodologies for evaluating the gut-bone axis in clinical settings.

  1. Nutritional factors and lifestyle:

Examine the role of diet, prebiotics, probiotics, and other lifestyle factors in modulating the gut microbiota and subsequently influencing bone health.

Explore how lifestyle modifications can be integrated into clinical practice to improve bone outcomes.

  1. Future directions and collaborations:

Identify gaps in current research and propose avenues for further investigation. Promote collaborations between multidisciplinary teams to improve our understanding of the gut-bone axis and translate findings into clinical practice.

This meeting aims to serve as a platform to share cutting-edge research, promote interdisciplinary dialogue, and catalyze innovative approaches to address the complex interrelationship between gut and bone health. By bringing together experts in this field, we hope to pave the way for transformative advances in both research and clinical practice.

Chi Siamo


Formedica S.r.l, Provider Ministeriale n°157, è un’azienda dedicata, sin dal 2002, alla creazione di progetti formativi per lo sviluppo delle persone e delle organizzazioni in ambito medico-sanitario, industriale e sociale. Attraverso gli strumenti scientifici, comunicazionali, manageriali e dell’analisi dei fabbisogni, persegue gli obiettivi di qualità e di efficacia nella formazione in ambito sanitario.